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Remodelling your kitchen is exciting, but also presents you with a variety of difficult choices. After all, the choice you make is one you will have to live with for quite some time. One choice that homeowners find very challenging is that of selecting the right material for kitchen countertops. The two choices that often compete very closely are quartz and granite.


You know both countertop materials are attractive, and you may have even found colours and styles you like that suit the overall design of your kitchen, but you still need to decide between the two. Granite is quarried directly from the earth in a large single chunk. It is a natural stone that can be cut into slabs later. Quartz, on the other hand, is crushed and mixed with resin at the ratio of 93 percent quartz to seven percent resin. It is then manufactured to create a variety of colours and patterns.

To compare these two stone surfaces adequately, you need to consider the following:

Stain Resistance - Quartz is one of the only stone surfaces that is stain resistant and does not require sealing to be resistant. It repels wine, oil, coffee and even makeup spills with ease. Granite, on the other hand, is porous and can stain, especially if it is not sealed properly and regularly according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Safety - Your kitchen countertops will obviously be exposed to food and other consumables on a daily basis. Quartz is non-porous, which means it is easier to keep clean and less resistant to bacteria. Granite can absorb food-borne pathogens and the small fissures and spaces can easily harbour bacteria.

Aesthetics - Both countertop types are attractive and it is personal preference as to which looks better in your kitchen. Engineered stones can sometimes have more consistent patterns, while with granite the material is formed naturally and may show more variations in the surface.

Cost - Every home improvement project has a budget. Granite has become more affordable over the past few years and the prices are remaining consistent. Quartz prices can vary, costing more than granite at times or less. When it comes to the overall care costs, quartz will ultimately cost less than granite in the long run.

The best way to decide which countertop surface is right for your kitchen is to visit a showroom and see the varieties and colours in person for yourself. PF Custom Countertops invites you to see our showroom and see our quartz and granite countertops for Sherwood Park, St. Alberta and Edmonton residents in person.

Call us toll-free at 888-484-0831 or contact us online to learn more about our granite and quartz countertops in Edmonton or to request a quote.